AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, is the nation’s largest union of public employees, with over 1.6 million members. AFSCME Council 63 New Jersey is one of the 58 district councils that are affiliated with AFSCME International.
Our Local, Local 3440 is a Local within council 63 of New Jersey.
Council 63′s 20,000 affiliated members work for cities, counties, the State, the private sector and other local units of government.
In the AFSCME structure, local unions join together in Councils so that their Council can provide professional representation, administrative services, research, education, training, and International resources to their members.
Each AFSCME Local is a self-governing unit. Each has its own constitution, elects its own officers, and determines its own policies. Members of each Local select their own negotiating committee, and vote to accept or reject proposed contracts.
Local leaders, elected by their co-workers, provide the day-to-day representation on the job and the direction for the local union that AFSCME members rely on.
All of Council 63′s Officers and Executive Board members are public or private sector employees who hold full-time jobs in addition to their duties at the Council. Delegates representing every local in the Council elect the Officers every four years at Council 63′s convention. The convention also sets the Council’s policies and priorities for the coming year.
Delegates to AFSCME’s International Union convention elect AFSCME’s International president, secretary-treasurer and regional vice-presidents every four years. International convention delegates, representing local unions, also determine the policies and programs for the International union.
Afscme Local County Administration - Local 3440. Blgd 2nd Fl 75 Bayard St PO 88 New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Email: / Cell: 732-754-0614